
This page introduces books published (partly) based on symposia held during joint meetings with other societies or the annual meetings of Carcinological Society of Japan.
This page introduces books published by Carcinological Society of Japan and books published (partly) based on symposia held during joint meetings with other societies or the annual meetings of Carcinological Society of Japan.

Yamaguchi, Takao (ed.) Ph. F. von Siebold and Natural History of Japan: Crustacea

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A Global Overview of the Conservation of Freshwater Decapod Crustaceans. 2016.

Tadashi Kawai and Neil Cumberlidge (Eds.) 

Springer International Publishing AG

 The contents of this book are partly based on the presentations of the symposium during the joint meeting of International Association of Astacology and Carcinological Society of Japan, held in 2014 at Sapporo (IAA&CSJ Joint International Conference on Crustacea).


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   This book introduces updated information on conservation issues, providing an overview of what is needed to advance the global conservation of freshwater decapods such as freshwater crabs, crayfish, and shrimps. 

   Biodiversity loss in general is highest in organisms that depend on intact freshwater habitats, because freshwater ecosystems worldwide are suffering intense threats from multiple sources. Our understanding of the number and location of threatened species of decapods, and of the nature of their extinction threats has improved greatly in recent years, and has enabled the development of species conservation strategies. 


   This volume focuses on saving threatened species from extinction, and emphasizes the importance of the successful implementation of conservation action plans through cooperation between scientists, conservationists, educators, funding agencies, policy makers, and conservation agencies.



New Frontiers in Crustacean Biology. 2011.

Asakura, Akira (ed.)

Crustaceana Monographs 15, Brill, The Netherlands, 351 pp. 



This book is a proccedings volume of the joint meeting by The Crustacean Society (USA) and Carcinological Society of Japan held in 2009 in Tokyo.



    Akira Asakura

Editorial Board

    R.T. Bauer, U.S.A; A.H. Hines, U.S.A.; M. Thiel, Chile; Christoph Held, Germany; Christoph Schubart, Germany; James M. Furse, Australia; Jason Coughran, Australia; Antonio Baeza, U.S.A.; Keiji Wada, Japan; Toshiyuki Yamaguchi, Japan; Tadashi Kawai, Japan; Susumu Ohtsuka, Japan; Miguel V. Archdale, Japan; Mikio Moriyasu, Canada


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 This volume contains the Proceedings of The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting held between 20 and 24 September 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. It is the world's premier event on crustacean biology and organized under the auspices of the Carcinological Society of Japan and The Crustacean Society. It reports presentations of plenary keynote addresses, special symposia, and contributed papers given at the meeting, all of which have been peer reviewed and edited. The book represents some of the best research from leading international researchers from all over the world and presents major reviews of all areas of crustacean research, including systematics, evolution, ecology, behaviour, development, physiology, symbiosis, genetics, biogeography, palaeobiology, fisheries, and aquaculture.   


For further information



Phylogeography and Population Genetics in Crustacea.  2011. 

Christoph Held, Stefan Koenemann, Christoph D. Schubart (eds.)

CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.  


The contents of this book are based on the two symposia organized by Dr. Christoph Held and Dr. Christoph D. Schubart, held during the joint meeting by The Crustacean Society (USA) and Carcinological Society of Japan  in 2009 in Tokyo.


Web-site of the publisher



   Presents a state-of-the-art synopsis of current knowledge on population genetics and analysis of phylogeography in crustacean biology

   Combines methodology chapters with chapters on organism life histories and reproductive strategies

   Contains case studies from a variety of regions and crustacean taxa

   Guides readers in selecting methods of analysis of intraspecific genetic variation and in interpreting results

   Outlines shortcomings of widely used techniques and suggests alternative or complementary approaches

   Provides guidance on experimental design for studies in phylogeography and population genetics of non-model species

   Includes black-and-white illustrations and a 12-page color insert



   Recently, technological progress and the rise of DNA barcoding efforts have led to a significant increase in the availability of molecular datasets on intraspecific variability. Carcinologists and other organismal biologists, who want to use molecular tools to investigate patterns on the scale of populations, face a bewildering variety of genetic markers, analytical methods, and computer programs from which to choose. A modern overview of population genetic and phylogeographic studies, Phylogeography and Population Genetics in Crustacea offers insights to guide research on intraspecific genetic variation in crustaceans.

   Combining theory and case studies of current best practices, the book helps researchers select methods of analysis and interpret their results. The theoretical chapters discuss the potential of currently used and upcoming molecular markers in the context of marine non-model species. They also gather practical tips and address the effect of seldom-discussed sources of error, such as spatial and temporal variation, stochasticity, and choice of statistical parameters. Case studies of marine and limnic crustaceans from around the world highlight the importance and diversity of sources of population structure in intraspecific variation.

   Written by an international team of 46 leading experts, the book showcases the use and analysis of molecular markers, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data, coding and non-coding sequences, microsatellites, and cytogenetics. It gives researchers and students a valuable summary of current knowledge on the processes that shape genetic variability and geographic distribution patterns in space and time.



Biology of Anomura III.  2010

Fernando L. Mantelatto, Christopher C. Tudge (eds.)

Nauplius (Brazilian Crustacean Society) 18(1) 

The contents of this book are based on the results of the symposium "Biology of Anomura III"  organized by Dr. Fernando L. Mantelatto and Dr. Christopher C. Tudge, held during the joint meeting by The Crustacean Society (USA) and Carcinological Society of Japan  in 2009 in Tokyo.



Preface by Dr. Fernando L. Mantelatto (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Dr.  Christopher C. Tudge (American University, USA)

   This volume, the third in the highly successful "Biology of Anomura" series, follows the first two volumes from previous carcinological meetings. The first "Biology of Anomura" symposium was at the Fifth International Crustacean Congress (ICC5) in Melbourne, Australia in 2001, and was published in a dedicated volume of Memoirs of Museum Victoria (Australia), 60(1), 2003. The second symposium of the same name was held at ICC6 in Glasgow, Scotland in 2005 and published as a special volume of Crustacean Research (Japan), Special Number 6, 2006.

   The "Biology of Anomura III" symposium was held during The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting and the 47th Annual Meeting of the Carcinological Society of Japan, September 20‑24, 2009, at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa, Tokyo. The symposium was organized by us and consisted of one key note address, seven oral presentations and seven symposium-related contributed papers as posters. There were 38 authors from eight countries and they presented fascinating research on representatives from eleven anomuran families (excluding the overview of anomuran phylogeny by Tudge, as a keynote presentation). The aim of the symposium was to emulate the previous successful events ("Biology of Anomura I and II") with a diverse collection of international papers and posters on all aspects of anomuran biology, spread across a diversity of anomuran taxa, and presented by an international participation.

   With the valued and unconditional support of the Brazilian Crustacean Society represented by Paula Araujo as President and Marcos Tavares as editor-in-chief of the society journal, Nauplius, this special volume is dedicated to various papers presented during The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting and the 47th Annual Meeting of the Carcinological Society of Japan. This volume contains 10 papers from 26 authors representing 10 countries, and covers many fields across seven families in the Anomura. Included in this special volume are two papers describing new species of Aegla and Pylopaguropsis, two papers covering the species richness and distribution of Eastern Pacific Diogenidae and Costa Rican squat lobsters (Galatheidae), respectively, and a further paper on the geographic distribution of Aegla schmitti. Also covered are a paper on the population structure and breeding season for a species of Coenobita from the Middle East, the sexual maturity and relative growth of a porcellanid in the genus Petrolisthes, and the secondary production of the hippoid Emerita on the beaches of Brazil. The last two papers on anomuran morphology describe a novel process called hypercarcinization in the porcellanid Allopetrolisthes and an unusual putative sense organ on the 4th legs of some pagurid and diogenid hermit crabs.

   The papers in this volume do not represent all 38 authors who participated in the symposium, and others who did not attend the Tokyo meeting were invited to submit their work.

   The continued, and enthusiastic, participation in the repeated symposia on "Biology of Anomura" is a testament to the worldwide interest in this important and speciose decapod group. As the latest symposium organizers and editors for this special issue of Nauplius, we thank the support of the organizers of the Japan meeting, specially the chairman Akira Asakura, many enthusiastic participants in the Tokyo symposium, the authors who contributed to this work, the 20 dedicated reviewers of these contributed papers, and finally the Brazilian Crustacean Society that made a great effort to cover all costs of this issue. We trust that this forms a valuable third volume in this series on anomuran biology.


Back Issues of "Biology of Anomura"


Lemaitre, R., and Tudge, C.C. (eds), (2003) Biology of the Anomura. Proceedings of a symposium at the Fifth International Crustacean Congress, Melbourne, , Australia, 9-13 July 2001.   Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60(1).


Asakura, A. (ed) (2006) Biology of Anomura II ­- Proceedings of the Symposium organized by Rafael Lemaitre and Christopher Tudge, Sixth International Crustacean Congress, Glasgow, Scotland.  Crustacean Research, Special Number 6 , Carcinological Society of Japan



エビ・カニ・ザリガニ -淡水甲殻類の保全と生物学- 2011.

(Shrimp, crabs and crayfish - conservation and biology of freshwater crustaceans.


川井唯史・中田和義 編著

(edited by Tadashi Kawai and Kazuyoshi Nakata)



The contents of this book are based on the papers presented in the symposium "Conservation Biology of Freshwater Crayfishes - New Challenge Starting from Japan, Eastern Asia, held as  a satellite symposium of the joint meeting by The Crustacean Society (USA) and Carcinological Society of Japan  in 2009 in Tokyo. 



 淡水にすむ大型の甲殻類の保全について,日本で初めて書かれた総合書。本書は,第一線で活躍する国内の研究者が執筆した信頼性の高いものである。また現場に精通した技術者が実体験に基づいた実務を多数紹介している。世界と国内のエビ・カニ類の検索表,専門用語の解説があり,国内の全種については分布域も紹介され(レッドリストとの対照もされている),ヌマエビ科幼生の 検索表もある。主要種の解説もあるので,専門家ばかりでなく,淡水のエビ・カニ・ザリガニ類に興味をもつ初学者や,技術者にとっても必携の書である。




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