53rd Annual Meeting was a Success
01/11/2016 15:53

The 53rd CSJ annual meeting was held at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Shinagawa Campus on October 10-11, 2015.

Photo:Organizing Committee
There were 25 oral presentations and

Photo:Organizing Committee
35 poster presentations.

Phot: Kazuoshi Nakata
On behalf of the society, the president Dr. Asakura expressed our appreciation to Dr. Colin L. McLay, who supported the publication of Crustacean Research for 21 years.

Photo: Naoya Otsuchi
International Symposium: Phylogenetic, ecological, and behavioural aspects among cryptic or semi-cryptic species of Crustacea associated with the study of Dr. McLay was held.
There were 6 presentations by 4 Japanese speakers and Dr. Christoph D. Schubart and Ms. Martina Weiss from Germany.

Christoph D. Schubart (Univ. Regensburg) Martina Weiss (Ruhr Univ.)
Photo: Kazuyoshi Nakata
Pre-Meeting Workshop "Biology of Peracarids" and Satellite Symposium "Biology of Barnacles (Subclass Cirripedia)" were also held.
The 54th annual meeting will be held at Kagoshima Univerisity.