55th Annual Meeting was a Success

10/17/2017 11:33

The 55th CSJ annual meeting was held at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo on October 7-8, 2017.


Photo: Naoya Ohtsuchi

There were 14 oral and 18 poster presentations.

Junior high and high school students made 7 poster presentations.

The CSJ annual award was presented by the president Akira Asakura to Chiaki I. Yasuda (Hokkaido University) for her paper entitled "Regeneration of major cheliped after the mating season in the hermit crab Pagurus middendorffii. Crustacean Research, 44: 29-38." with a co-author Satoshi Wada.


Photo: Naoya Ohtsuchi

International Symposium:

Symposium of "Frontiers in Crustacean Biology: Asian Perspective" was held on October 8.

Speakers and organizers of the symposium. Pictured (left to right) are: Jianhai Xiang, Peter Kee Lin Ng, Lim Shirley, Akira Asakura, Benny K.K. Chan, Tsang Ling Ming, and Ka Hou Chu.

Banquet ceremony:

Photo: Naoya Ohtsuchi

Organizing Committee of the 55th CSJ annual meeting:

Photo: Naoya Ohtsuchi

Joint Symposium by CSJ and Malacological Society of Japan:

Crustaceans and Molluscs: Role of Shells and Prey-Predator Relationship was held on October 6.

Open Syposium

A new relationship with an invasive freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii was held on October 8.

Photo: Kazuyoshi Nakata