Message from the President

Carcinological Society of Japan

      Dear all,
                                                                                  1 Jan 2018


      I am honored and delighted to be serving as President of Carcinological Society of Japan for the period 2018-2020.  Our goal is to provide facilities for association and communication among crustacean biologists of all scientific fields.  In order to accomplish this goal, CSJ publishes two journals, Crustacean Research and Cancer, and sponsors an annual meeting. It also confers honors and awards to young researchers who are the author of papers appeared on Crustacean Research and other society's publication.
     The last year, 2017, was  the epoch-making year for us.   The symposia collaborated with Malacological Society of Japan were held in spring and autumn.  Both President of Malacological Society of Japan, Prof. Kenji Okoshi, and myself regard that interdisciplinary research and exhange of information between different academic soeicties are important for future perspective of respective society. 

     In April 2017, the first joint symposium by Carcinological Society of Japan and Malacological Society of Japan was held as "International Symposium on Evolutionary Biology of Parasitic and Symbiotic Relationships between Molluscs and Crustaceans" in Shirahama, Wakayama.  This symposium was held during the Annual Meeting of Malacological Society of Japan (Chair, Prof. Tomoyuki Nakano, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University) and attended by 150 people.
     The second joint symposium by CSJ and MSJ was held in October in Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, chaired by Prof. Yasunori Kano (AORI).  This symposium was entitled "Crustaceans and Molluscs: Role of Shells and Prey-Predator Relationship" and held as a satellite symposium of the Annual Meeting of Carcinological Society of Japan and attended by 90 people.
     The 54th Annual Meeting of CSJ was held on 7 and 8 October in Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, chaired by Prof. Toshiro Saruwatari (AORI).   General session included 14 oral presentaions and 18 poster presentations.  
     During this meeting, International Symposium: Frontiers in Crustacean Biology: Asian Perspectives was held.  In light of recent development and internationalization of study of biology of crustaceans in countries in Asian region, it is the best time to start establishing Asian network of crustacean biology. Caricinological Society of Japan will host the network. As the first step to turn the idea into a startup, a symposium of this subject was organized. In this symposium, people who are intensively studying crustacean biology in Asian area were invited to present review of their study, including Prof. Jianhai Xiang(President Emeritus, Chinese Crustacean Society; Chinese Academy of Sciences), Prof. Lim Shirley (President Elect, The Crustacean Society, USA; Singapore), Prof. Peter Kee Lin Ng (National University of Singapore), Prof. Ka Hou Chu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong),  Prof. Tsang Ling Ming (National Taiwan Ocean University), Prof. Benny K.K. Chan (Asian Govenor, The Crustacean Society, USA; National Taiwan University) and Prof. Hyun Sook Ko (Silla University, Korea). 
     Another satellite symposium was held in Sumida Hall in Tokyo on 9 October, entitled "A new relationship with an invasive freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii" attende by 70 people.
      Another good news in 2017 is publication of a book with enlightening subject matter on crustaceans from Seizando Shoten.  I hope many of you buy this book.  
"Crustacean Research" vol. 46 was published in December 2017.  The cover photo (by Osamu Hoshino, Oshima, Tokyo) is of Mysidella hoshinoi Shimomura, 2016, with a parasitic isopod Aspidophryxus izuensis Shimomura, 2017. 
Our Japanese Journal "Cancer" continues to flourish under the leadership of ourEditor Dr. Michitaka Shimomura. 
I am very glad to inform all of you that the J-Stage web-pages of "Crustacean Research" and "Cancer" have been renewed to very beautiful pages with high function.  You can download freely high resolution articles from these pages. 
        CSJ is now at a turning point. We are taking responsibility for the future of the CSJ by continuing to cooperate with each other and thereby positioning the society to be a leader in the crustacean biology in Japan and Asia-Pacific area. I, therefore, would like to ask all of you for your cooperation by inviting new members to join, attending to, and giving presentations at, our annual meeting, as well as submitting manuscripts to "Crustacean Research" and "Cancer" for publication.
                    Akira Asakura, 
                    President, Carcinological Society of Japan
                    Director and Professor, Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto University