Article archive

56th Annual Meeting was a Success

01/09/2019 17:50
The 56th CSJ annual meeting was held at the Shimizu Campus, Tokai University on October 20-21, 2018.Participants:Photo: 56th CSJ annual meeting organizing committeee There were 17 oral and 18 poster presentations by regular and student members.Junior high and high school students made 4 poster...

56th Annual Meeting, 2018

07/09/2018 17:22
56th Annual Meeting will be held at the Shimizu Campus, Tokai University on 19-21 October, 2018.See;

The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019

05/15/2018 22:08
Dear all, I am happy to annouce all of you that The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 2019 will be held on 26-30 May 2019 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  We welcome all of you to attend.             Akira Asakura     ...

Reminder: Ninth International Crustacean Congress

01/10/2018 20:06
TCS wishes all of you happy holidays and a New Year full of crustaceans.Once again, TCS would like to remind the carcinological community of the Ninth International Crustacean Congress (ICC9) that will take place May 22-25, 2018, in Washington DC, USA. The meetings are hosted by the Smithsonian...

55th Annual Meeting was a Success

10/17/2017 11:33
The 55th CSJ annual meeting was held at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo on October 7-8, 2017.Participants:Photo: Naoya OhtsuchiThere were 14 oral and 18 poster presentations.Junior high and high school students made 7 poster presentations.The CSJ annual award...


05/20/2017 23:09
Dear all,    I have to inform you of an extremely sad news.  Prof. Hiroshi Suzuki, Emeritus Professor of Yokohama National University, passed away on 18 May 2017.   He was one of the founding members and the third president of Carcinological Society of Japan.I would...

The symposium was a great success !

05/03/2017 19:46
International Symposium on Evolutionary Biology of Parasitic and Symbiotic Relationships between Molluscs and CrustaceansThe sympsium was held on 15 April 2017 at Hotel "Sea-more" in Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan. This was a joint symposium by Malacological Society of Japan and Carcinological...

55th Annual Meeting, 2017

01/18/2017 13:08
  55th Annual Meeting will be held at the Kashiwa Campus, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo on 7-8 October, 2017. See;

Symposium on Evolutionary Biology of Parasitic and Symbiotic Relationships between Molluscs and Crustaceans

01/13/2017 09:49
Dear all, We are pleased to inform you that Carcinological Society of Japan and Malacological Society of Japan jointly organize the following symposium. Participation is open to anyone who has interests in this subject. Welcome to Shirahama ! See; ...

Save the date for ICC IX in Washington DC and call for symposia!

12/26/2016 14:56
The 9th International Crustacean Congress (ICC IX) Washington, DC, USA May 22-25, 2018 Venues: Smithsonian Institution and the Renaissance Hotel The 9th International Crustacean Congress (ICC IX)     Washington, DC, USA     May 22-25,...
Items: 21 - 30 of 43
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