The 53rd Annual Meeting of Carcinological Society of Japan
Schedule & Program
Date: 10 and 11 October, 2015
Venue: Rakusui Hall, Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology,
Shinagawa, Tokyo
Saturday, 10 October
8:00 Registration Desk Open
9:00 Opening Address
9:10-12:00 Oral Presentations (O1-O10)
12:00-13:30 Board Meeting
12:00-13:00 Lunch Time
13:00-14:55 Oral Presentations (O11-O17)
14:55-15:10 Commemorative Photo
15:10-17:40 Poster Presentations (P1-P35)
18:00-20:00 Banquet
Sunday, 11 October
8:45-10:55 Oral Presentations (O18-O25)
11:00-12:00 Business Meeting
12:00-13:00 Lunch Time
13:00-17:00 International Symposium: Phylogenetic, ecological, and behavioural aspects among
cryptic or semi-cryptic species of Crustacea (S1-S6)
17:00 Closing Address
Meeting related events
Friday, 9 October
15:00-17:50 Pre-Meeting Workshop: Biology of Peracarids
Monday, 12 October
9:30-17:00 Satellite Symposium: Biology of Barnacles
Guideline for poster presentations
Poster boards will be available for the accepted posters. The poster size shall be prepared in maximum 120 cm in height and 90 cm in width. The subject number with the code is provide by our staff on the upper left corner of the board in advance. Push pins can be available at the venue. Please set up your poster before 15:00 on 10 Oct.
Access to Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
* 10 minutes' walk from Konan Exit (or East Exit), "Shinagawa Station" on the JR Line (Yamanote Line, Kehintohoku Line etc.), Tokaido Shinkansen and Keihin Kyuko Line to the main gate of the Campus
* 15 minutes' walk from "Tennozu Isle Station" on the Tokyo Monorail to the main gate of the Campus via Fureai Bridge
* 20 minutes' walk from "Tennozu Isle Station" on Rinkai Line to the main gate of the Campus via Fureai Bridge
Shinagawa Campus Map

Bldg. 21: main venue Rakusui Hall
Bldg. 8: Pre-Meeting Workshop and
Board Meeting
Bldg. 24: Banquet
Oral Session
Saturday, 10 October [9:10-14:55]
O1 9:10 Life history of littoral isopod Dynoides dentisinus (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidae)
Takeru Nakamachi & Akira Asakura (Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyoto Univ.)
O2 9:25 Algal preference and microhabitat use of Pugettia quadridens (Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae) on the coast of Nagai, Sagami Bay
Naoya Ohtsuchi, Tomohiko Kawamura, Jun Hayakawa (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo (AORI)), Hiroaki Kurogi (Yokosuka Station, National Research Institute of Aquaculture) & Yoshiro Watanabe (AORI)
O3 9:40 Comparative phylogeography to test for predictions of marine larval dispersal in three amphidromous Caridina shrimps
Junta Fujita (Kyoto Univ.), Kei Zenimoto (Univ. Tokyo), Akira Iguchi (National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College), Yoshiaki Kai, Masahiro Ueno & Yoh Yamashita (Kyoto Univ.)
O4 9:55 Spawning season and ground of Metapenaeopsis sibogae (Penaeidae) in Kagoshima Bay, Japan
Md. Mosaddequr Rahman & Jun Ohtomi (Kagoshima Univ.)
10:10-10:20 Coffee Break
O5 10:20 Ecological survey and outreach activities about coconut crab in the Ocean Expo Park, Okinawa
Shin-ichiro Oka, Kei Miyamoto, Koji Tokutake & Shunsuke Nagata (Okinawa Churashima Foundation)
O6 10:35 Utilization of Upogebia yokoyai burrows by two species of alpheid shrimps
Yumi Henmi (Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi Univ.) & Gyo Itani (Faculty of Education, Kochi Univ.)
O7 10:50 Reproductive potential of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus male
Tadao Jinbo (Shibushi Laboratory, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries Research Agency), Akira Sugiyama (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)), Keisuke Murakami (Headquarters, Fisheries Research Agency) & Katsuyuki Hamasaki (TUMSAT)
11:05-11:15 Coffee Break
O8 11:15 Larval metamorphosis into megalopa consisting of two distinct patterns of morphogenesis in swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus
Shigeki Dan (National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency) & Katsuyuki Hamasaki (TUMSAT)
O9 11:30 Functional morphology of appendages and resistance to nematocyst venom in the fan lobster larvae preying on cnidarian jellyfish
Kaori Wakabayashi (Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima Univ.), Michiya Kamio & Yuji Tanaka (Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
O10 11:45 Polychelid postlarvae collected from the Pacific coast of Honshu, Japan
Kooichi Konishi (National Research Institute of Fisheries Science), Takashi Yanagimoto (National Research Institute of Fisheries Science), Munehiro Takami (School of Marine Science & Technology, Tokai Univ.) & Toshiro Saruwatari (Atmosphere & Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo)
12:00-13:00 Lunch Time
O11 13:00 Connectivity of the squat lobsters Shinkaia crosnieri (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae) between cold seep and hydrothermal vent habitats
Chien-Hui Yang (National Taiwan Ocean Univ.), Shinji Tsuchida, Katsunori Fujikura, Yoshihiro Fujiwara, Masaru Kawato (JAMSTEC) & Tin-Yam Chan (National Taiwan Ocean Univ.)
O12 13:15 Developing of the bio-tracking system for snow crabs off Sanriku
Shinji Tsuchida, Yoshitaka Watanabe, Masaru Kawato, Yoshihiro Fujiwara, Yasuo Furushima, Katsunori Fujikura (JAMSTEC) & Hiroyuki Yokooka (Idea Consultants, Inc.)
O13 13:30 Brooding condition and fecundity of the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio females in the waters around Joban
Jiro Nagao, Tsutomu Hattori, Yoji Narimatsu, Yasutoki Shibata, Toshikazu Yano (Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency) & Masaki Ito (Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency)
O14 13:45 Catches of swimming crabs using fish mince in “teabags” compared to conventional fish baits in collapsible pots
Miguel Vazquez Archdale (Kagoshima Univ.)
14:00-14:10 Coffee Break
O15 14:10 Species identification of juvenile coenobitid crabs based on external morphologies
Takuma Tsuru, Katsuyuki Hamsaki & Shuichi Kitada (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
O16 14:25 Invasion risk analysis of Chinese mitten crab in Japan using life history model
Zhang Zhixin, Yokota Masashi & Carlos A. Strüssmann (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
O17 14:40 The know-hows I gained from the four times of experience working with high school students who have given their presentations abroad at The Crustacean Society, and a report of The Crustacean Society International Association of Astacology in Sydney held on July 19-23, 2015
Nobuaki Niwa (Kobe Municipal Rokko Island Senior High School)
Sunday, 11 October [8:45-10:55]
O18 8:45 Characteristics and physiological effects of Pacific krill (Euphausia pacifica) oil
Hidetoshi Yamada (Iwate Biotechnology Research Center (IBRC)), Yuya Yamazaki, Seiji Koike (ADEKA Corporation), Mayuka Hakozaki, Hirofumi Iwama, Nozomi Nagahora & Akira Yano (IBRC)
O19 9:00 Detection of Crustacean Species-specific Allergen by Western-blotting method
Jiayi Shi & Masamichi Oh-Ishi (School of Science, Kitasato Univ.)
O20 9:15 Genes controlling shapes and sizes of legs in decapod crustaceans
Junpei Shinji (Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Univ. Tokyo), Hiroki Gotoh (Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya Univ.), Hiroshi Miyanishi (Department of Biology, Keio Univ.) & Toyoji Kaneko (Graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Univ. Tokyo)
O21 9:30 Three new species of the Eriopisa group (Amphipoda: Eriopisidae) collected from Osaka Bay and the Seto Inland Sea
Hiroyuki Ariyama (Osaka Museum of Natural History)
9:45-9:55 Coffee Break
O22 9:55 Decapod crustacean fauna of submarine caves in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Yoshihisa Fujita(Okinawa Prefectural Univ. Arts)
O23 10:10 Life-coloration of Chirostylus dolichopus Ortmann, 1892 (Anomura: Chirostyloidea: Chirostylidae) based on the topotypic specimen collected from Boso Peninsula, Japan
Junji Okuno (Coastal Museum of Natural History) & Masayuki Osawa (Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane Univ.)
O24 10:25 A cymothoid isopod (Crustacea) collected from Ereunias grallator
Nobuhiro Saito (Suido-sha Co. Ltd.), Takeya Moritaki (Toba Aquarium) & Takeo Yamauchi (Univ. Hyogo / Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo)
O25 10:40 Redescription of Pugettia intermedia Sakai, 1938 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae)
Naoya Ohtsuchi & Tomohiko Kawamura (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo)
International Symposium: Phylogenetic, ecological, and behavioural aspects among cryptic or semi-cryptic species of Crustacea
Convener: Akira Asakura (Kyoto Univ.)
Sunday, 11 October [13:00-17:00]
13:00 An award ceremony for Dr. Colin McLay (Univ. Canterbury, New Zealand)
S1 13:30 Determining the amount of cryptic species and overlooked diversity in freshwater crabs
Christoph D. Schubart & Theodor Poettinger (Univ. Regensburg, Germany)
S2 14:30 Recent advancements of the knowledge of crab fauna of the Ryukyu Islands
Tohru Naruse (Univ. Ryukyus)
14:30-14:40 Coffee Break
S3 14:40 The research history to distinguish two species of Hemigrapsus crabs, H. penicillatus and H. takanoi
Izumi Yamasaki (Nat. Res. Inst. Far Seas Fisheries) & Wataru Doi (Tokai Univ.)
S4 15:10 Comparison of life history and social behavior of the two allied varunid crabs Hemigrapsus takanoi and H. sinensis
Aya Miyajima (Suma Aqualife Park Kobe) & Keiji Wada (Nara Women’s Univ.)
15:40-15:50 Coffee Break
S5 15:50 Global players revised: Assessing cryptic diversity in the genus Gammarus
Martina Weiss (Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany), Alexander Weigand (Ruhr Univ., Germany), Ahmad-Reza Katouzian (Univ. Tehran, Iran), Alireza Sari (Univ. Tehran, Iran) & Florian Leese (Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany).
S6 16:20 Comparison of molecular phylogenetic relationships between massive corals and pit crabs
Yuna Zayasu (OIST Marine Genomics Unit)
16:50 Concluding remarks
Poster Session
Saturday, 10 October [15:10-17:40]
P1 The evaluation of accuracies in estimated population size for signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus with considering on uncertainties of catch intensity and variabilities of true population sizse
Takahisa Kannno (Graduate School of Bioindustry, Tokyo Univ. Agriculture), Minoru Kanaiwa, Atsuya Yamamoto (Tokyo Univ. Agriculture), Yoshiyasu Machida (Bihoro Museum) & Miyuki Tadokoro (Faculty of Bioindustry, Tokyo Univ. Agriculture)
P2 Cage traps and baits for capturing the North American invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Rika Shiraishi, Haruna Ushimi & Kazuyoshi Nakata (Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama Univ.)
P3 PET bottle traps for capturing the North American invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Sae Takehara (Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama Univ.), Rika Shiraishi & Kazuyoshi Nakata (Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama Univ.)
P4 Shelter size preference by the North American invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii: comparison to other crayfish species (Cambaroides japonicus and Pacifastacus leniusculus)
Kazuyoshi Nakata & Haruna Ushimi (Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama Univ.)
P5 Characterization of the diet of the shallow-water hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus by Illumina sequencing
Eric T.W. Ho, Simon M.K. Cheung (Chinese Univ. Hong Kong), Jiang-Shiou Hwang (National Taiwan Ocean Univ.), Hoi Shan Kwan & C. Kim Wong (Chinese Univ. Hong Kong)
P6 Variability in abundance, development stages and body size of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio O. Fabricius) larvae in the Bering and Chukchi Seas during summers of 2007 and 2008
Jose M. Landeira (Hokkaido Univ.), Kohei Matsuno (National Institute of Polar Research), Atsushi Yamaguchi, Toru Hirawake (Hokkaido Univ.) & Takashi Kikuchi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
P7 Investigation of pigment-related genes in two closely-related intertidal hermit crabs, Pagurus lanuginosus and P. maculosus using transcriptome data
Zakea Sultana (Kyoto Univ. & National Institute of Genetics (NIG)), Isaac Adeyemi Babarinde (NIG, Akira Asakura (Kyoto Univ.), Fumi Nozawa (NIG) & Ikeo Kazho (NIG)
P8 Plastic sexual expression in the androdioecious barnacle Octolasmis warwickii
Hendry Wijayanti & Yoichi Yusa (Nara Women’s Univ.)
P9 The effect of size on fighting and mating in Ilyograpsus nodulosus (Brachyura, Macrophthalmidae)
Mariko Nakayama & Keiji Wada (Nara Women’s Univ.)
P10 Characters of reproductive premolt females of helmet crab Telmessus cheiragonus
Hirona Yano, Hiroki Osada, Michiya Kamio & Hiroshi Nagai (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
P11 Sexual conflict over mating in Cleantiella isopus (Isopoda: Valvifera)
Yuto Miura & Seiji Goshima (Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Hokkaido Univ.)
P12 Ethological knowledge about 6 species of isopods
Yuusuke Kawasaki (Design office LIKE-SHIT)
P13 Structure of secretory glands and partial identification of the substances in the second gnathopods of Caprella scaura
Fumio Takeshita, Ryuhei Tatsuno & KazumaYoshikoshi (Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences and Environmental Studies, Nagasaki Univ.)
P14 Effects of wave exposure on cirrals of two barnacles –Capitulum mitella and Tetraclita squamosa−
Sachiko Yoshida & Tomoko Yoshikawa (College of Agriculture, Tamagawa Univ.)
P15 The role of overwintering forms of Daphnia as a mechanism sustaining cryptic population structure
Hitoshi Kumagai (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.), Wataru Makino (Life Science and Biological Institute, Tohoku Univ.) & Jotaro Urabe (Life Science and Biological Institute, Tohoku Univ.)
P16 Coral-associate crab communities on corals in temperate waters of Japan
Isao Hirabayashi (Kushimoto Marine Park) & Hiroki Hata (Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime Univ.)
P17 Growth and reproduction of Neocaridina spp. in the system of Tama Rivers in Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Tomonori Usami, Masashi Yokota & Carlos A. Strüssmann (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
P18 Recent condition of distribution and reproduction of female deep-water mud shrimp Solenocera melantho in Kagoshima Bay
Jun Ohtomi, Yui Nakamura & Shohei Kidane (Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima Univ.)
P19 Species identification of foreign body found in gill of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) and blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus)
Takashi Yanagimoto (National Research Institute of Fisheries Science), Hideyuki Yamashita (Marine Fisheries Research and development center), Kouichi Hoshino (Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute), Tsutomu Hattori (Touhoku National Fisheries Research Institute) & Toshiro Saruwatari (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo)
P20 Comparison of the two types of Lipofuscin quantitative method using Carcinus aestuarii
Ryuji Watanabe, Masashi Yokota, Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Carlos A. Strüssmann & Seiichi Watanabe (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology)
P21 A bopyrid isopod parasitizing Metapenaeopsis dalei off the coast of Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Hiroshi Kume (Ehime Prefecture Fisheries Research Center) & Gyo Itani (Kochi Univ.)
P22 Utilizing JAMSTEC crustacean samples may extend your study field
Takashi Hosono, Marika Ichiyanagi, Tohru Iseto, Takako Sato, Tomoki Sasaki, Yasunori Hanafusa, Shinji Tsuchida (JAMSTEC) & Nobuyuki Saito (Marine Works Japan)
P23 A record of fairy shrimp Drepanosurus sp. cf. uchidai (Anostraca: Chirocephalidae) from Fukushima Prefecture, Northeastern Japan
Hiromi Ikezawa (Ibaraki Nature Museum), Kei Hirasawa & Makoto Kuraishi (Aquamarine Inawashiro Kingfisheres Aquarium)
P24 The first Japanese species of the Ischyrocerid genus Rhinoecetes Just, 1983 from Izu Peninsula
Masafumi Kodama, Naoya Ohtsuchi (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo), Koetsu Kon (Shimoda Marine Research Center, Univ. Tsukuba) & Tomohiko Kawamura (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo)
P25 Two undescribed species of the genus Galathea (Decapoda: Anomura: Galatheidae) from Singapore and the Ryukyu Islands
Masayuki Osawa (Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane Univ.)
P26 Swimming pattern of zoeae of Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae)
Rei Somiya, Toshikazu Suzuki & Akio Tamaki (Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies, Nagasaki Univ.)
P27 Comparative genetic diversity and population structure between Uca perplexa and U. lactea, demonstrated by sequence analysis of mitochondrial D-loop region
Takenobu Tokuyama (Univ. Ryukyus), Jhy-Yun Shy (Penghu Univ. Sci Tech.), Hui-Chen Lin (Tunghai Univ.), Peter Mather, Jane Hughes (Griffith Univ.), Yasuhisa Henmi (Kumamoto Univ.), Makoto Tsuchiya & Hideyuki Imai (Univ. Ryukyus)
P28 Phylogeny and genetic population structure of the land hermit crab Coenobita purpureus
Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Chikako Iizuka, Tetsuya Sanda (Tokyo Univ. Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)), Hideyuki Imai (Univ. Ryukyus) & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P29 Low salinity tolerance of larvae of six coenobitid species
Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Ei Saeki, Kotomi Mizuta, Masaru Tanabe & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P30 Larval release of the land hermit crab Coenobita violascens on Rhizophoraceae roots
Wataru Doi (School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Univ.) & Hiroyoshi Kohno (Okinawa Regional Research Center, Tokai Univ.)
P31 Artificial incubation and hatching of coenobitid crab embryos
Kenta Ohashi, Shingo Saito, Katsuyuki Hamasaki & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P32 Effects of temperature on survival and development of larvae of six coenobitid species
Yoshino Saito, Yosuke Ogiso, Kazuma Tabata, Yuria Fujie, Katsuyuki Hamasaki & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P33 Effects of availability of shelters and gastropod shells, and dietary DHA on survival and behaviour of megalopae and early juveniles of the coconut crab Birgus latro during the sea-to-land transition
Shinsuke Sawada, Katsuyuki Hamasaki (TUMSAT), Shigeki Dan (National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency) & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P34 Effects of salinity on survival and behaviour of megalopae and early juveniles of the coconut crab Birgus latro during the sea-to-land transition
Toshihiro Watanabe, Katsuyuki Hamasaki & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)
P35 Effects of land substrata on survival and behaviour of megalopae and early juveniles of four coenobitid species during the sea-to-land transition
Ryosuke Suzuki, Takeaki Oiso, Katsuyuki Hamasaki & Shuichi Kitada (TUMSAT)