Article archive

Crustacean Research no.45 was published!

12/22/2016 15:48
Crustacean Research no.45 (paper version) was published on 15 Dec 2016!The online version of "Crustacean Research" is also available; be a member of CSJ, please go to the web-page; trust that you will...

54th Annual Meeting was a Success

11/08/2016 19:29
The 54th CSJ annual meeting was held at the Kagoshima University, Shimoarata Campus on October 22-23, 2016.Participants:Photo: Organizing CommitteeThere were 17 oral presentations and 26 poster presentations.Photo: Organizing CommitteeThe CSJ annual award was presented by the president Akira...

CANCER (Japanese Journal of CSJ) new web site open

10/29/2016 22:26
New web site of CANCER has been opened in J-Stage. issues also will be uploaded to the new page.Before uploading visit the old page in CiNii.

XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology (ICSZ) and XIV International Colloquium on Apterygota (ICA)

06/23/2016 15:15
CSJ supports following colloquiums.   XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology (ICSZ) and XIV International Colloquium on Apterygota (ICA)   Date   ICSZ 22–26 AUGUST 2016 ICA 24–26 AUGUST 2016   Venue   Nara...

54th Annual Meeting at Kagoshima

04/01/2016 08:41
54th Annual Meeting will be held at Kagoshima University.    22 and 23 October 2016 Shimoarata Campus, Kagoshima University Organizing Committee: Hiroshi Suzuki, Jun Ohtomi, Miguel Vazquez, Hiroyuki Arikawa We welcome you all to attend our annual meeting! For further...

53rd Annual Meeting was a Success

01/11/2016 15:53
The 53rd CSJ annual meeting was held at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Shinagawa Campus on October 10-11, 2015.   Participants:   Photo:Organizing Committee   There were 25 oral presentations and Photo:Organizing Committee   35...

International Symposium on Crustacea

09/26/2015 20:51
   The following symposium will be held during 53rd Annual Meeting of Carcinological Socity of Japan at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Shinagawa   International Symposium: Phylogenetic, ecological, and behavioural aspects among cryptic or semi-cryptic species...

Professor Michael Tuerkay

09/26/2015 20:49
  On behalf of Carcinological Society of Japan, I would like to express my sincere condolences on the passing of Prof Michael Turkay, Senckenberg Forschunginstitut und Naturmuseum, Frankfurt am Main, who passed away on 9 September 2015.  His contribution to crustacean biology was...

Pre-meeting workshop "Biology of Peracarids"

07/21/2015 11:40
Pre-meeting workshop "Biology of Peracarids" will be held on 9 Oct 2015 at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Read more:

Satellite Symposium preliminary program updated: Call for poster presentations

07/21/2015 11:39
Information on Satellite Symposium "Biology of Barnacles (Subclass Cirripedia)" has been updated. Preliminary program has been uploaded. Call for papers of poster presentations!   See the web-page of the symposium! Read...
Items: 31 - 40 of 43
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